- Residents must register with a STEP social worker prior to accessing the service. STEP requests annual address verification in the form of a current lease, medical bill, utility bill, or mail from city, county, state or federal government. Mail must be postmarked within past 30 days.
- STEP offers gently used clothing for children and adults.
- STEP does not offer household items or furniture.
- Bedding and linens are occasionally available.
- Seasonal donations from the community are welcomed.
Clothes Closet Hours:
Tuesdays: 5pm-7pm
Wednesdays: 1pm-3pm
Thursdays: 9am-11am and 1pm-3pm
Food and clothing donations can be brought to our donor door facing the alley at STEP during the below times:
Mondays: 8:00-3:30pm
Tuesdays: 12:00-7:00pm
Wednesdays: 8:00-3:30pm
Thursdays: 8:00-3:30pm
Fridays: 8-11:30am
If donating more than 200 pound of food or 10 bags of clothes, please call STEP to schedule a time to drop off the donation.
Donations may also be left in the following locations:
-Donation Bins in front of the Knollwood and West End Cub Foods.
STEP’s closures for holidays can be found here. We will also post closures on Facebook and Instagram. STEP generally follows SLP Public Schools for inclement weather closures.